Thursday, August 24, 2017

9 ways

9 ways to be happy and make something of your life

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Gordon B. Hinckley

1. Be Grateful
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being grateful means to be respectful and be thankful for the things that you receive in life. you can show being grateful by thanking people in your everyday who help succeed and help you reach your goal
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2. Be Smart
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being smart means not only to do good in school and get good grades but also to be aware of the people and things around you and make right choices. to be smart also means to be trustworthy,kind, cheerful honorable, forgiveful
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3. be involved
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being involved means to be there and participate in daily things that will not only help you but also help others one example
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4. be clean

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being clean  means to be clean from all things one example is to keep and maintain a good hygiene like take showers every day, brush your teeth, and use deodorant.

5. be true

6. be positive

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being positive means to have a good attitude and to be kind and friendly to anybody. being positive does not mean to be positive to other people 

7. Be Humble 

being humble means a lot it means to be a good sport not only if you play sports but on a daily basis you should always be humble because then good things will come to you. my parents always told me to be humble an not greedy because if you are greedy then bad things will happen to you but on the other side if you are humble then good things will come to you like if it is magic. being humble is a great aspect to have in your personality because then you have a better chance in life just like when you apply to college they want to see that you are a nice good person that can not only help yourself but help your peers succeed in daily life. also if you want to apply to a job depending on a job most jobs want to see that you can communicate and not be greedy. being humble also means to not be cocky or to not show off the things that you have just because the things that you have are better than the things other people have doesn't mean that you should bring them down that's not being a CTR person or being a humble person.

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8. be still

9. be prayful

Final Reflection

something that i will do to complete these nine ways and be happy are to keep my bedroom and my mind clean but i would also be humble to myself and others around me. i will also keep in mind that in order to succed in 

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