Thursday, June 7, 2018

Class Evaluation

1. some things that i liked was the way how we got to learn from a site thst we were familar with which is khan academy. i also liked ho mr.Haymore gave us many advice for the future and how we can be simply better in life.

2. some things that i did not like was the fact that we didnt have any free time but i should have expected that when i came to school because i come to school to learn not to have free time

3.a recomendation that i would give is to learn more about coding and computer science.

4. i do not want to lie so i was honestley not reading it everyday because i sometimes forget or sometimes i just wait till we have this class to read and write in it.

5. i am for certain committed to being a ctr person because when you are a ctr person you improve as a person and you simply become better. and what could go wrong when you are chosing the right.

6. something i learned is to always stay in the democracy level be above the line and always choose the right because when you do this you canot be a bad person i would also pass doen on how to use tools and websites to able to code and create your own javascript. i will also pass doen the techniques on how to do and learn the basic things about a computer because you can use it in your everyday life and one day your computer may break down and you might not know what to do

7. something i will always remeber about this calss is to be a better person you need to choose the right 24/7 and what ever i do not remeber about this class in can always look back at my eports and remeber all the good advice that mr. haymore provided for me and my classmates

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Class Evaluation 1. some things that i liked was the way how we got to learn from a site thst we were familar with which is khan academ...