Friday, September 22, 2017

 Health Care Careers 
 radiation therapist:these doctors use radiation to eliminate cancer cells that are in the body without harming and other normal cells that help the body work
Dietitian: a dietitian helps people be healthier in the way they eat and help find way to excersize


"The Six Attitudes of High Achiever"
Image result for john R. noe
  1. Make no small plans: Plan BIG

                         The first attitude you would need to be a high achiever would be do not plan small and have high goals for yourself because if you plan big then you have something to look forward and have a goal that you really want to reach. having a small goal is not a good idea because if you already reach when you can actually do more you are going to feel lazy and feel that you have done all you can when really you could achieve bigger things. an example of achieving a big goal is when you try out for an athletic team you should have the goal of making it to varsity instead of JV because if you try your hardest to make it to varsity but don't end up making it then you will have a good chance of making JV but if your goal is to make it to JV and you don't try your hardest because you think that you are way better than all the other players then the coach will end up not seeing your talent.

                                                      2. Do what they fear 

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                             The second attitude that you should have in order to be a high achiever is to do what they fear which means that you should be willing to do things that are dangerous and risk full if you want to succeed and be were you want to be. because with anything you want to be or want to do it is never going to be easy you have to face your fears and take risk because their is always going to be an obstacle course or something in the way to stop of getting what you want and if if you really want it you can achieve and succeed because if you put everything you got then you can do it as long as you set your mind to it.

3.high achievers are willing to prepare 

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this third attitude that you should have if you want to be a high achiever is being willing to prepare. this means that you are able to be ready for any challenge that comes upon your path

4.high achievers are willing to risk failure

this rule means that

5. high achievers are teachable
Image result for high achievers are teachable

this rule means that if you want to be a high achiever then you have to learn first. although there are people who say that they were born with this talent or they were born do play a sport that saying is completely incorrect because everybody needs to be taught how to do something. an example of this would be like a sport say soccer every professional soccer player in the world was trained at the best that's why they are so good because they have been taught to know the sport and it not only relies on somebody teaching another person its also about the person that is being taught that person needs to feel like they are doing what makes them happy because if they are not then they are feeling that they are being forced to do that thing and not do it for there own good. an athlete needs to be willing to learn from any coach that they have even though they don't like that coach because when you learn from different coaches you can build up to that and have multiple types of experiences and different types of discipline that you learn so that way if you off playing for college or professional you know what type of coach he is and get comfortable to the way that he coaches and respect it that way the coaches don't get the wrong impression of you and think that you have a bad attitude because coaches don't want players with a bad attitude or players that don't want to be taught because they think that they know everything they want players that are willing to work with the coaches and players that want to be taught new things not for the coach but for the player himself and the team in terms of winning and getting better.

6. High achievers have a heart

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the final step of being a high achievers is to have a heart high achievers have a heart which means that they care and very passionate about what they do and how they do it. this also means that not only they care about what they do but they are humble and do not get cocky because they know that if they were to do that then they would make their opponent feel bad for losing and all high achievers are humble to the sport or the thing that they do

Monday, September 11, 2017


 9/11 Attack post

                     today 16 years a ago a tragic event occurred in new york city. 2 planes were hijacked by islamic terrorist and were sent on a suicide mission to crash into these towers. this crime was considered mass murder because 2,978 victims were killed plus the 19 hijackers who went on this suicide mission. this mission was leaded by a terrorist named osama bin laden.

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